Category Archives: Humor/Satire

Editorial cartoons, politcal satire, etc.

It’s Time to Stop Validating Ignorance In protesting the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to allow intelligent design to be taught in public schools as an alternative to creationism, Bobby Henderson audaciously argued that “Flying Spaghetti Monsterism” ought to be given equal time in classrooms … Continue reading

Posted in Humor/Satire | 278 Comments

Editorial cartoon: Choice? pink or blue

 by Mike Peters Post Comments and Share

Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Humor/Satire | Leave a comment

Editorial Cartoon: GOP & ‘Overreaching’

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Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Humor/Satire | Leave a comment

Mitt & Social Conservatives


Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Humor/Satire, Political News - National | 185 Comments

Santorum fixation

Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Humor/Satire | 232 Comments

“Is it over yet?”

Prickly City 31-Dec-11 Non Sequitur 31-Dec-11

Posted in Humor/Satire, Political News - National | 230 Comments

40 Best Protest Signs of 2011 hard to pick a favorite!

Posted in Humor/Satire | 840 Comments

by this definition we definitely qualify as WEIRD,

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich*, and Democratic (‘WEIRD’) We agree it’s WEIRD, but is it WEIRD enough? (one of the glories of the interweb – you just never know what you might find in a search) *with the caveat:  ‘rich’ i’ll accept … Continue reading

Posted in Humor/Satire | 662 Comments

“and Sprinkles” Ben Sargent on job creation & class warfare      

Posted in Humor/Satire, Political News - DC, Political News - National | 1,135 Comments

Rick Perry – Technicalities (First Posted on HP: 8/17/11) . . . Perry also railed at earmarks, the practice of a member of Congress directing spending to be used on specific programs. “Earmarks represent the wasteful spending that has most caught public interest … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Humor/Satire, Political News - National | Leave a comment