Author Archives: Kate

IMF: End fossil fuel subsidies, tax carbon [The Hill] “The link between subsidies, consumption of energy and climate change has added a new dimension to the debate on energy subsides,” David Lipton, IMF first deputy managing director, said in prepared remarks at a Washington event hosted by the … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - International, Political News - National | 340 Comments

The Scariest Climate Change Graph Just Got Scarier (MoJo) Today, it’s getting a makeover: A study published in Science reconstructs global temperatures further back than ever before—a full 11,300 years. The new analysis finds that the only problem with Mann’s hockey stick was that its handle was about … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - International, Political News - National | 9,760 Comments

link to BPR 2/26/13 Interview with Foxwoods’ Scott Butera Like it or leave it, casinos are coming to Massachusetts. Jim and Margery spoke with casino “turnaround artist”, Scott Butera. Butera is the chief executive of Foxwoods, and has been reportedly eyeing  valuable land in Massachusetts. FYI:  Jim Braude and Margery … Continue reading

Posted in Milford Casino, Political News - Blackstone Valley, Political News - MA | 1,526 Comments

200 HSBC staff paid more than £1m in 2012 (UK Guardian)

Revelations about bankers’ pay come as HSBC reports a fall in profits to $20bn (£13bn) HSBC paid 204 of its staff more than £1m in 2012, a year when Britain’s biggest bank made profits of $20.6bn (£13.7bn) despite being fined … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - International | 321 Comments

Voters in Swiss referendum back curbs on executives’ pay and bonuses (UK Guardian) Swiss voters have approved measures to curb executives’ pay and outlawed golden parachutes that can result on directors pocketing multimillion-pound payoffs. Exit polls suggested almost 68% of those who turned out for Sunday’s referendum, and all of Switzerland’s 26 … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - International | 1 Comment

The Filibuster debate and the requirement that approval of two-thirds of Senators (67) is necessary to change the body’s rules “Even vice presidents have agreed. Although often overlooked, one of the duties of the vice president is to act as president of the Senate, including issuing advisory opinions about internal Senate procedure. Vice Presidents Nixon, Humphrey, Rockefeller, and Cheney … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - National | 264 Comments

NYT: Joe Nocera’s blog, currently “The Gun report” currently “The Gun Report”, topic seems to have started 18-Jan . . . didn’t review much beyond that date . .  .

Posted in Political News - National | 177 Comments

WaPo: Strom Thurmond’s mixed-race daughter dies at 87 “I am Essie Mae Washington-Williams, and at last I am completely free,” Washington- Williams said at a news conference in 2003, after revealing her secret in an interview with The Washington Post. She was born in 1925 after Thurmond, … Continue reading

Posted in Political News - DC | Leave a comment

WaPo: The ‘rabid’ hate aimed at Trayvon Martin if you follow any of the links, be prepared  . . . the ‘raunchy tweet’ from Todd McKinnon . . REALLY IS . . . and probably NSFW ! I’d missed this analysis of the bloodstains on George Zimmerman’s … Continue reading

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It’s Time to Stop Validating Ignorance In protesting the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to allow intelligent design to be taught in public schools as an alternative to creationism, Bobby Henderson audaciously argued that “Flying Spaghetti Monsterism” ought to be given equal time in classrooms … Continue reading

Posted in Humor/Satire | 278 Comments