Category Archives: Political News – DC

WaPo: Strom Thurmond’s mixed-race daughter dies at 87 “I am Essie Mae Washington-Williams, and at last I am completely free,” Washington- Williams said at a news conference in 2003, after revealing her secret in an interview with The Washington Post. She was born in 1925 after Thurmond, … Continue reading

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Solyndra probe: an example of karma at work? or did Cheney’s ‘zone of autonomy’ only apply to GOP Pres & VP But Ruemmler said the investigators’ request for all internal White House communications about Solyndra — dating back to the first day of the Obama administration — “implicates long-standing and significant institutional Executive Branch confidentiality interests.” “Encroaching upon these important … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street and the ORIGINAL Tea Party Are Two Sides of a Red Hot Coin The Tea Party started out as a populist movement of people angry about government overspending – specifically when it came to bailing out the banks. It intentionally stayed away from the so-called “God, Gays and Guns” social issues and … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street: note to rabble-rousers — try bullet points next time

courtesy of Alain Sherter at The NYT and other major media outlets are equally baffled, characterizing the movement as rudderless or downright loony. Even Mother Jones, the lefty pub named after a famous 19th century labor organizer, sniffs at … Continue reading

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Reuters: Ryan’s targeting U.S. employer healthcare tax breaks . . . could help Democrats ? (Reuters) – U.S. employer healthcare tax breaks would be replaced with refundable tax credits for individuals under a proposal offered on Tuesday by House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. . . . Eliminating healthcare tax breaks for … Continue reading

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Who vets independent counter-terrorism trainers for local/state law enforcement?

apparently noone “The first inkling that something was amiss in the counterterrorism training given to local and federal law enforcement came in March. That’s when NPR reported on the cottage industry of independent counterterrorism trainers who signed up to teach … Continue reading

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Daily Kos on Mitt Romney’s investment in Fannie & Freddie The Boston Globe noted today that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has a habit of lambasting the “failures” of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has been profiting from investments in the two firms:     “On … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Candidates, Political News - DC, Political News - MA | 43 Comments

What does the DOJ get in its $16 muffins? caviar? classified intel?

at $16 – classified intel would be downright cheap!$16-Muffins-and-Millions-of-Dollars-Leak-Investigations?via=siderecent    

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“and Sprinkles” Ben Sargent on job creation & class warfare      

Posted in Humor/Satire, Political News - DC, Political News - National | 1,135 Comments

Members of 112th Congress – links to lists

Data sliced & diced by Wikipedia: list by chamber & state:

Posted in Political News - DC, Political News - National | 44 Comments